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Co-creating a
regenerative future

Re-Thinking the way we live

We believe in the potential of technology to be used as a catalyst for regenerative transformation. In that way, society and nature can thrive together creating balance, value, and prosperity.

We've got a great team! With a background in the portuguese
tech ecosystem, it has also created the most authentic sustainable tourism project in Portugal - Cerdeira Home for Creativity.


With Silveira Tech Re_generation Village we have the opportunity to join both our passions to create a truly special place in which people will gather to take part in a transformational experience, regenerating the land, their businesses, their communities, and themselves.


A family project that intends to kickstart a global regenerative movement,

towards Ecocentrism and Tech 4 Good.


Silveira's Guardians

Our co-creators

The best way to develop a strong and co-creative movement is to unite people and organizations with the same purpose. In our case that is the pursuit of a regenerative future.


Besides our guardians, it's essential to highlight Silveira Tech’s Partners Network, a community based on collaboration that aims to spread and give dynamism to our ecosystem. 


Our goal is to connect different kinds of stakeholders, such as Technological Companies, Startups Accelerators, Businesses Incubators, Innovation Schools, Universities Councils & Regenerative Projects, connecting and engaging for action!


Only together can we start to build the future we all envision!

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